

(Scroll down for the After)

The delightful folks at AgentMethods (a self-service marketing SaaS designed specifically for insurance agents) were about to embark on a rebrand, and they wanted their website to match their new, fun personality. Enter: moi.

The original page felt a bit like a copy overload. It wasn’t clear where users should go next. Scroll down to see the brand-new, more concise, more direct page.

agentmethods home before  Punchline Copy Uppercut




Along with the new design (featuring a bird, whom I love in a very unbiased way), the new AgentMethods homepage is much more streamlined.

It’s more visually clear what the platform includes, and where potential customers can add on done-for-you services. The copy is warm, but businesslike.

And best of all, the main benefit of the product (getting a website online in roughly 10 minutes) is now the star of the show.

agentmethods home after Punchline Copy Uppercut


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