
Discover how to write funny copy.

You owe it to yourself, your audience, and your revenue.

Your copy, and indeed your life, will never be the same.

“Honestly I think the course was so solid.”

“Learning the framework behind WHY things are funny was super insightful. I already find myself using some practical strategies on the fly when talking with people […] Understanding how to structure a joke and leveraging incongruity resolution has also been invaluable. I would 10/10 recommend this course!”

— Conversion Comedy LIVE Student

“This course was VERY comprehensive”

I’m a lot more intuitive when I write non-copy humor and a lot more strategic when I write copy. I think this course helped me bring more strategy into the humor aspect of my brain, which in turn makes it feel more intuitive to implement in my copywriting. LIT!”

— Conversion Comedy LIVE Student

“I’m more confident in my approach…”

to be funny and lighten my tone. Humor historically hasn’t been pushed in my company and I was always nervous to flirt with the humor boundary but this course showed me there are ways to implement humor at different levels.”

— Conversion Comedy LIVE Student

When you have fun, your clients and customers have fun.

(And when they have fun, they pay you. Crazy how that works!)

Here's the deal:

Your subscribers, clients, or customers are tired of being sold to in the same snoozeworthy ways marketers have sold things since the dawn of time. They’re tired of the same old spiel.

And they’re in DESPERATE need of a good laugh. I mean, have you been living in the same timeline as the rest of us?

While using humor isn’t *at all* new in the marketing world, it’s mostly been limited to high-powered ad agencies running Super Bowl ads.

The everyday marketer either doesn’t “have permission” to crack a joke, is too scared, or both.

And that’s just not fair. Everyone should be able to tap into their funny side and connect with customers at will.

Because not only does being funny give you a shortcut into the warm, fuzzy, relationship-building parts of your customers’ brains — it actually helps your readers, users, and customers remember you better.

That’s why I built

Conversion Comedy™

a 6-week comedy-meets-copywriting course with an optional LIVE track

“I only picked a ‘least favorite’ class because the question required an answer and ‘I absolutely loved every class’ wasn’t an option :)”

Conversion Comedy LIVE Student

Why does being funny matter so much?

Putting aside the frightening fact that I’ve built my whole business around it

Being able to harness humor isn’t just about writing jokes in your copy. It isn’t just about coming up with fun brand colors or mascots.

It’s about understanding WHAT’s funny, knowing HOW to say it, and choosing WHERE and when to say it.

All in the direct service of building long-lasting, genuine relationships with the people reading your words. (And if they want to give you money because of that relationship? Well, who are you to refuse?)

Being funny makes you money.

So if you’re a founder, brand owner, marketer, or copywriter who wants to use humor like a psychological weapon to slash customer purse straps — and be adored for it — this course is for you.

Warning: What you learn will probably also get you a lot of dates. And you’ll never watch an improv show the same way again. HA just kidding, no one goes to those. Warning: What you learn will probably also get you a lot of dates. And you’ll never watch an improv show the same way again. HA just kidding, no one goes to those. Warning: What you learn will probably also get you a lot of dates. And you’ll never watch an improv show the same way again. HA just kidding, no one goes to those. Warning: What you learn will probably also get you a lot of dates. And you’ll never watch an improv show the same way again. HA just kidding, no one goes to those. Warning: What you learn will probably also get you a lot of dates. And you’ll never watch an improv show the same way again. HA just kidding, no one goes to those.

Thank you so much. Your work kicks ass, and you’re a pleasure to work with. Now is when you ask for referrals and we gladly recommend you. Business needs more human. You bring human. Thanks for giving SSS more voice!”

Andy Humphrey
Founder, Sprinkler Supply Store

About Conversion Comedy™: The Course


This is a 6-week online course. If you choose the evergreen option, go at your own pace and enjoy! If you join Conversion Comedy LIVE, we’ll meet weekly to write, edit, and laugh together.

Whether you join live or not, you’ll have forever access to all the course materials. (Like fancy wine and unlike my brother, this course gets better with age.)


Lesson videos and classwork live inside Thinkific. We’ll also be talking all things funny copy in Slack! Classwork comes in GoogleDoc and PDF formats.

You’ll watch the recorded course videos (none longer than 45 minutes) on your own time. LIVE students will meet with me + the class once a week for office hours or copy hot seats!


LIVE students who show up and do the work will be rewarded with a silly, I mean awesome certificate that says you showed up and did the work.

When you complete Conversion Comedy, you’ll have more confidence in your writing — especially your funny writing. You’ll have repeatable processes and techniques for ideating, drafting, and editing your work. And also? Writing will feel WAY more fun.

What's new since last time?

  • MORE resources, including new classwork and resources around improv and how to use it  to come up with fun ideas
  • MORE interviews with the funniest, most successful writers and entrepreneurs I know
  • MORE bite-size lessons and “how I do this” videos
  • MORE hands-on engagement inside Slack (especially for live students!)

NOTE: The video lessons inside Conversion Comedy were recorded live in the last round of the course. There are occasional references to 2022 (remember that cursed year?). I’ve also upgraded my AV setup since then. There’s a free preview so you can see if slightly grainy video will be a dealbreaker for you.

Through a series of short recorded classes, fun assignments, and *actual writing*,

(No way to get around that last part)

(No way to get around that last part)


Learn about the history of humor in marketing

so you can quickly emulate the best and steer clear of the worst

(This is a FREE preview lesson! Why? Because it turns out no one really cares about this. And that’s OK!!)

Identify and codify your own (or your brand's) sense of humor

so your brand becomes not just recognizable, but likable

Understand and harness humor’s cognitive, social, and emotional impacts

so you can control your customers like marionettes, except in a fun, less creepy way 

Discovery improv and standup comedy fundamentals

so you can come up with ideas quicker + write sharper, funnier copy

Grasp and practice linguistic tricks, visual jokes, and structural formulas

so you can “edit in the funny” with a keen strategic eye

You’ll see my weird face, do some fun writing exercises, and learn the whys, wheres, and hows of funny copy.

It’s obvious Lianna practices her craft a lot and deeply understands what is going to work and what isn’t.  I think that’s partly because of her improv background as well. She does a lot of that. I think she’s done stand up comedy as well, but she really appreciates the value of being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes and understand what is going to be funny to everybody versus being deprecating about your comedy to other people.”

Mike Taber, Bluetick.io + Startups For The Rest of Us

Comes with forever access to the course materials

Once a Conversion Comedy™ student, always a Conversion Comedy™ student.

I’m a firm believer that when you buy a course, you should have access to it as long as you want. With Conversion Comedy, you do.

And why should you join live?

Because not only will you always have access to all the course materials, you’ll be cordially invited to participate in all future LIVE cohorts of the course. (Till I die or start a new career as a marine orthodontist.)

Stay sharp, keep practicing, and deepen your appreciation for what’s funny and why. Your group of nerds is here for you.

6 recorded classes.
3 live office hour sessions.
3 live hot seat copy reviews.

And sooooo many bonuses, rabbit holes, and extra resources you’ll be begging for less

When you close your laptop on the last class of Conversion Comedy (with a wink and a tear in your eye, hopefully) you’ll have a deeper, more confident understanding of what funny is and how to make it work for you.

You’ll be able to confidently apply your new knowledge to your marketing strategy, copy assets, and world domination schemes.

And, most important of all: you’ll have more fun in your daily life and work.

Pinky Promise

Along with the recorded lessons and live classes, you’ll get…

Access to my Mad Libs Welcome Email Templates

(currently $77) to walk you through drafting a brand-new welcome email sequence that feels authentically-to-you funny

1 Year of FREE access to the subscription-only Comedypedia

My enormous and regularly-updated searchable database of funny copywriting examples, brands, and comedians to inspire and unblock your funniest writing.

Bonuses including recorded interviews

with copywriters, humor writers, and entrepreneurs I think are SO funny, and how they approach their work

Hol’ up, lemme make sure I’ve got that right…

Is that … 6 weeks of classes and accompanying coursework, personal writing feedback and live punchups, actually-useful resources, 1 year of Comedypedia access, AND a brand-new welcome email series for less than $2000?

Goddamn right it is.

The magic lives in the LIVE track

and there’s only room for 12 VIPs.

Join live for peer support, surprise shenanigans, and my personal feedback on your copy

Conversion Comedy™ will be interesting, inspiring, and productive. Scout’s honor.

I’m laser-focused on giving my students the value they’re looking for. (Because it’s terrifying to think anyone might be disappointed in me.)

Will you get access to me in Slack for all your humor copy questions?


Will you work through the unfunny, cringey garbage till you get to the good stuff (and understand why it’s good)?


Will it be messy?


Will it be fun?


Love it or your money back.

Take 3 full weeks to explore Conversion Comedy™. If you watch the videos, do the work, and still don’t think it’s worth what you spent, I’ll give your money back.

I don’t want cursed money, shiiiit.

“Lianna is good. Really good. We were redoing a sales page that was pretty old and really needed an overhaul and purchased Lianna’s ‘Uppercut’ where she rewrites the page for you. It is SO MUCH BETTER than it was before. Still a few weeks before we push it live but will try to remember to report back with the impact it had on sign-ups. If you want your copy to be serious or straightforward (read: boring) Lianna probably isn’t the best fit. Otherwise she’s awesome and I highly recommend her.”

Andrew Youderian
Founder, eCommerceFuel

“Gee whiz, do I need this?”

I mean… no. No one needs a copywriting course.

On Maslow’s hierarchy, Conversion Comedy falls somewhere between “Swedish massages” and “one of those shiny silver foot-pedal trash cans.”

AKA: nice to have, and definitely an improvement to daily life, but no one’s gonna die without them.


If you feel the claws of this page pricking at your little rabbit heart, thumping excitedly at the idea that maybe you could have more fun while writing and who knows maybe even write better stuff —

Then maybe you do need this course.

If your copy is weak. Lame. Drab. Full of fluff and filler that needs to be sucker-punched up and out…

Then maybe you do need this course.

Comedy is the best way to lift your copy out of obscurity, and shoot it right into the engorged hearts and wallets of your target market.

Look, if you’re already writing full-time for Saturday Night Live and moonlighting as a copywriter just to keep yourself humble, this course might not be for you.

BUT on the other hand, if…

You find it painful to sit down and write anything.

because it feels less like chatting with a close friend and more like writing a shareholder update…

You can’t remember the last time

you were genuinely excited about emailing your list or hitting Publish on a new sales page…

Your style is as stale as Saltines…

Your copy isn’t converting…

Then you should definitely take Conversion Comedy.

Not convinced funny copy works?

Lemme slap your cheeks with my rock-hard reviews:

“It’s all fantastic!”

“I just got the chance to check everything out and I lol’ed at “*chef’s kiss*”

We have already seen a noticeable improvement in our conversion rate and this all should help even more.You rock. Thanks again.”

Braxton Manley
Co-Founder, Braxley Bands

“Very impressed.”

“We reviewed the referral and confirmation copy and it looks like you nailed it again.”

Shelby Perkins
Co-Founder, Polymath X

There’s a lot more where this came from,

but I’m tired of copying and pasting. If you want something else to click, here’s a case study where my funny copy literally doubled sales on one product.

I’ve been teaching this stuff for years.

Now it's your turn to learn.

Where I’ve Spoken + Taught

...and dozens more

“I often hesitate to buy courses because I don’t always learn something new. This was a whole different experience and I learned a lot. Not just about how to be funny, but what my style of comedy is, when I’m comfortable being funny or not, and how to make things giggle worthy. Folks don’t have to laugh out loud at my jokes. Snickering is perfectly fine too.”

— Conversion Comedy LIVE Student

Your options


Conversion Comedy™

You get this!

6 weeks of classes and accompanying coursework, actually-useful resources, 1 year of Comedypedia access, AND a brand-new welcome email series.


With a 3-week “I tried, but it’s not for me” refund guarantee

Click for Conversion Comedy™


Conversion Comedy™ LIVE

You get all of this!!

6 weeks of classes and accompanying coursework,  actually-useful resources, 1 year of Comedypedia access, AND a brand-new welcome email series… 

PLUS personal writing feedback and live punchups, weekly office hours with Lianna, and a private Slack channel with your fellow Conversion Comedy Live students.


With a 3-week “I tried, but it’s not for me” refund guarantee

Join the waitlist below to be the first to know when the next live cohort opens!


“You got me. I’m in.”

”I tried to stop Lianna from putting so much valuable information in this course, or maybe get her to create multiple courses instead. But she wouldn’t listen. Then I tried to get her to price it higher. But she is relentlessly self-defeating. I don’t know what else to say. You should probably buy it.

– Charlie Gilkey
Founder of Productive Flourishing & Business Coach to the Stars, Who Definitely Said This


I'm a dumb bitch. Should I buy this?


What if I buy it and don't like it?

Whether you're a LIVE student or not, you have 3 full weeks to explore everything inside Conversion Comedy! If you don't think it was worth the spend, then get in touch and show me you did the work anytime before that 3-week mark. I'll give you a full refund.

I'm already funny. Should I take this course?

What’s it like up there on that pedestal, hotshot?

I'm not a copywriter. Should I take this course?

Finally, a good question! This course is mainly geared toward people who write copy — whether they’re copywriters by trade, or simply overworked marketing directors, ecommerce store owners, SaaS founders, you name it. HOWEVER. If you’re the person who writes for your company and your title isn’t “copywriter,” you’ll still learn a lot.

TL;DR if you write to an audience and you’d like a little more confidence to crack jokes, this course will help.


Ecommercefuel Live

Business of Software

AMerican Marketing Association

Baby Bathwater

The Dynamite Circle


Blue Ribbon Mastermind

Smart Traffic live

Influence & COnversion summit

Entrepreneurs' organization colorado


Call to action Conference

Learn inbound

The Copywriter Club IRL


Release notes

Unspam by really good emails

Social media week

your event here? c'mon ...
