

(Scroll down for the After)

As a member of eCommerceFuel who is just constantly floored by the knowledge, kindness, and kickassery of the folks in the forum, naturally I was delighted when ECF founder Andrew Youderian asked me to punch up the “Apply to Join ECF” landing page. Take a look and see how it changed.

Oh, and here’s what Andrew said about this Uppercut project (publicly! He can’t take it back! I have copies of this screenshot!):

Andrew Youderian Lianna Patch


eCommerceFuel Landing Page Before Punchline Copy


Along with having a LOT more fun in the copy — because ECF is a fun place to be! — here are some other changes you’ll notice in the new page copy

  • Added more language about “Who’s this for?” to help readers self-qualify
  • Front-and-centered a previously buried stat (ECFers experience 36% YoY growth after joining the forum!)
  • Added a section comparing ECF favorably (and truthfully) to other ecommerce store owner communities
  • Brought in more info about how the forum works and how often members are active
  • Made sure testimonials weren’t just lumped into one spot on the page
  • Did I mention we made it sound like as much fun as it actually is?
  • Hell yeah.

eCommerceFuel Landing Page After Punchline Copy Uppercut


[activecampaign form=7 css=0]


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