my brain, your business. boom

Tools and templates you can use without needing access to my fallible flesh sack.

(Just want me to write for you? hit the big red button below)

Look, I know hitting the "big red button" is a terrible idea in literally every action movie. But this is just a website. i do not have the cash to cast vin diesel.


The Ultra Mega Huge List of Humor Writing Formats

Humor writer (and editor of humor publication Slackjaw) Alex Baia and I co-created this giant, categorized list of humor formats. Great for kickstarting your next McSweeney's or Slackjaw submission.

Comedypedia - My Personal Funny Copy Swipe File

Yessssss finally a sortable-by-type-of-copy, also-sortable-by-style-of-humor swipe file! ...Anyone? Bueller?


Mad Libs Welcome Email Templates

A set of step-by-step, Mad Libs-style templates — conveniently delivered via Google Docs so you don't have to fuck around with PDFs. Fill these babies out, and boom: you've got a working draft of your funny, conversion-focused 5-email welcome series! Ideal for any person or brand that wants to welcome new subscribers with an irresistibly fun and educational flow.


Conversion Comedy®

The copywriting-meets-comedy course you've been hoping existed, with occasional live cohorts.

How to Speak Funny

28-min video lesson on bringing more humor into your slides and stage presence

Funnier in 5

$5 for 5 emails over 5 days to get you started building your comedy brain

Copywriter coaching

two spots available for a very specific copywriter

Just a free picture of my cats

Exactly what it says.

Give me your email address, and I will give you a free picture of my cats. (Value: $6,000)

[activecampaign form=7 css=0]


Ecommercefuel Live

Business of Software

AMerican Marketing Association

Baby Bathwater

The Dynamite Circle


Blue Ribbon Mastermind

Smart Traffic live

Influence & COnversion summit

Entrepreneurs' organization colorado


Call to action Conference

Learn inbound

The Copywriter Club IRL


Release notes

Unspam by really good emails

Social media week

your event here? c'mon ...
